European Institute for Socio-Economic Development


“The best relationships are those in which the obstacles are known, yet are still desired to be preserved.” Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Benchmarking studies in details productivity, quality and value in different areas and activities in relation to the performance of some other subject.

ISES, aiming at offering to its members a real competitive advantage and to improve the quality of the projects submitted, uses benchmarketing availing on a network of external partners, in order to confront and follow the positivity of others.

ISES , thanks to the expertise and professionalism of its staff, is able to support its members in all phases of the design and management of European projects, from the scouting of calls for proposals to the submission of successful proposals and reporting of their activities.

ISES focuses its activities on the analysis of European policies that promote economic development and industrial policies. Investigations into funding opportunities are conducted primarily at the European level, without overlooking the possibilities available at the national and local levels.

ISES activities for the promotion of Industrial Policies and Benchmarking:

  • monitoring of development policies;
  • constant monitoring of funding opportunities at European, national and local levels;
  • analysis of the European dynamics;
  • European, national and system dialogues;
  • national and European industrial policy;
  • partners search for cooperation in science and technology;
  • support for technology transfer activities;
  • check-up and technology audits in collaboration with centres of excellence at European level.

“Knowledge is power”F. Bacon

It is said that exams never end and that one never stops learning; and this is especially true in this era of continuous evolution and globalization. Education is part of our lives and our philosophy; there is always a need for training because no one is born with knowledge; we spend half of our lives educating ourselves. Training becomes even more important in a time of crisis like the one we are currently experiencing, where the funds available for investment are increasingly limited. Therefore, knowing, understanding, and learning how to apply for access to community or regional funding becomes essential for all entities in need of financial support. ISES organizes targeted training courses on Fundraising Techniques and Project Management.

ISES training activities:

  • Organization of regular training courses on Fund Raising and Project Management Techniques;
  • Promotion of active citizenship and of the culture of knowledge through its institutional activities;
  • Support of public administrations, non-profit associations and business companies aiming to submit applications for funding to the European Commission .

“Nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health. With her, everything becomes a source of pleasure”A. Schopenhauer

The promotion of Public Health is the process that allows individuals to exercise greater control over their health and improve it, as defined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986).
So, for the Promotion of Public Health is required to:

  • Define a public health policy;
  • Create a supportive environment;
  • Strengthen community actions;
  • Develop individual skills;
  • Reorient health services.

These strategies have to be used at the same time and not one by one.
The promotion of health, thanks to investments and actions, has consequences on the determinants of health to create a greater welfare for people, to contribute significantly to the reduction of health inequalities, to guarantee human rights and to build social capital.
Health promotion is accomplished through people and with them; it is not an activity that is carried above people and not meant for them.
Health promotion enhances the ability of individuals, groups, organizations or communities to advocacy to influence the determinants of health.
To improve the capacity of communities to promote health education, practice training is needed to take on a leadership role and access to resources.

ISES recognizes health promotion as a process of cooperation between the government and non-governmental organizations, including the public and the private sector for the implementation of actions aimed at the welfare of the person.

ISES activities for the promotion of Public Health:

  • Promotion of initiatives aimed at eliminating health inequalities and unequal treatment;
  • Promote of the active participation of citizens;
  • Development of networking and intersectoral participation;
  • Develop of procedures to ensure the quality of public health;
  • Increase the skills and capacity of the population;
  • Link of health promotion to other fields of political action.

“We live in society. Therefore, nothing is truly good for us if it is not good for society.” Voltaire

Social promotion is the activity carried out by an organization to help and support its members and other organizations in conducting socially useful activities without profit motives. In contrast, social research is the field where analyses and studies related to the wide range of issues facing modern societies and their local specificities are collected, ranging from social organization and economic development to pathological aspects (immigration, racism, illegality, micro-crime, etc.). Research is the first step to take in any intervention and social improvement project.

Knowing the situation and understanding the elements that define are the prerequisite to be able to plan forms of concrete intervention of social utility.

ISES carries out research and social promotion in order to produce information to support the decision-making system of its members and to create social models that can be replicated throughout the country.

In particular, ISES focuses on the following areas of research and social promotion:

• Immigration and intercultural relations
• Territorial welfare
• Social exclusion
• Technology

ISES Research and Social Promotion activities:

  • promotion of international cooperation;
  • development of projects under European calls for proposals to promote the reduction of inequalities;
  • promotion of innovative methodologies for the management of social problems;
    promotion of intercultural dialogue;
  • support to Public Administrations and non-profit organisations for the development of socio-economic research in the area.