European Institute for Socio-Economic Development


A European network on cervical cancer surveillance and control in the new member states

AURORA project identified a common and feasible strategy on how to promote Cervical Cancer Screening in the New EU Member States targeting women in the reproductive age (30-69 years old) and ensuring the coverage of the hard to reach groups, assist the New EU Member States in the implementation of evidence-based screening for cervical cancer and promote a European exchange of information and expertise  on the development and implementation of good practices in Cervical Cancer Prevention and Advocacy. Knowledge acquired through AURORA was disseminated in the EU, particularly to EU 11 Member States: Italy, Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Poland.

AURORA had been developed according to the priorities of the Call for Proposal 2009 – Public Health Programme aiming to promote the exchange of good practices on promotion of Cervical Cancer Screening in New Member States, and in particular regarding hard to reach populations. In addition, according to the DECISION No 1350/2007/EC establishing a second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-13), AURORA also fostered appropriate coordination and synergies among Community initiatives regarding the collection of comparable data on major diseases, including cancer.

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