The European Neighborhood Policy demonstrated the EU’s desire to be grounded on common values with partner countries and the commitment to work together in priority areas, including the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and the respect for human rights, as well as strengthening the development of economy, the investments and social cohesion.
Our specialised traininings aimed at promoting and optimizing the sharing of knowledge and the best experiences acquired by the European institutions and national administrations (Italy/Bulgaria), by the EaP and candidate countries.
Strengthening the State and the resilience of the society of the EU partners was the general objective of our trainings while specific objectives were:
The ultimate goal of the project, and future perspective, was the creation of a task force of experts in the countries involved in the trainings to combat fraud against the EU budget and protecting the EU’s financial interests more effectively.
The project aimed to organise: 1 specialised training of 3 modules/3 days replicated in 4 different countries: Ukraine, Armenia, Republic of Moldova and Albania. However, due to the pandemic crisis and consequent restrictions the trainings could not take place in presence and have been organized in the online mode.
In particular, during our specialised trainings the strategies implemented in the following sectors have been analyzed: