A new European study to identify and analyse the best practices and strengths of the industrial relations of self-employed workers: representation beyond administration, the possible leadership of SME
The project aimed to improve expertise in industrial relations and to promote the exchange of information among parties actively involved in industrial relations. In particular, the project dealt with industrial relations of self-employed workers and their employees considering self-employment and SME synonyms. In particular, the project aims to realize a study at two different levels. Top-down: to understand the impact of SME in the economy. Bottom-up: to identify the best practices of leadership in the representation of self-employed work. Then, an international conference was organized in Rome to present the results of the project.
The project had been elaborated according to the experience of all the partners involved. The partnership was heterogeneous involving organisations linked to industrial relations as: Research centres and institutes, Non-profit making organisations and Self-employed trade unions in order to represent all the target groups and stakeholders and coming from 8 countries: Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovak Rep, Poland, Spain, Greece, France and Italy.
The partners identified two different target groups: the workforce that is employed in SME and specific categories of self-employed workers who are represented by new trade unions as gas station workers, street peddlers, newsstand workers, sales representatives and bartenders.
Project results:
For more information, please visit: www.euroirse-project.eu