European Institute for Socio-Economic Development


JUSTORIGINAL aims at improving the understanding and awareness of young consumers (11-17 years old) about the counterfeiting risks and the effects of the Intellectual Property Rights’ (IPR) violations.

The project wants to contribute to increase knowledge of the IP value as a tool to protect creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship (1), and engage priority audience regarding these issues (2).

In particular, JUSTORIGINAL aims to:

  • Understand and enhance young citizens’ awareness of the extent of counterfeiting and piracy, starting from their perception and lived experience through interactive discussion, intergenerational dialogue and proactive involvement of students.
  • Raise the self-protection of the consumer, involving him/her as an active party in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy, through an information campaign promoted by all partners in the participating countries and on the web;
  • Disseminate information on the consumption of counterfeit products and industrial property and actively involve the consumer.

The project is implemented in Italy, Bulgaria and Spain.

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