European Institute for Socio-Economic Development


WORDS ARE STONES wants to step up to prosecute instances of online hate speech and cooperating with IT companies and the media to combat manifestly illegal hate speech and promote counter-narratives emanating from civil society by:

Organising activities able to support civil society in developing counter-narratives online.

Organising activities able to support media literacy through training and data dissemination and sensitise the media to promote diversity and tolerance.

The general objective of the project is to combat racism and discrimination in their online expression of hate speech by equipping young social media strategists/managers, bloggers, online activitists, youtubers…and young people in general with the competences necessary to recognize and act against such human rights violations.

Central to the project’s philosophy is the idea that online space is public space – human rights apply there as much in the rest of society. This objective, being the project implemented in Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Czech Rep, Lithuania will impact in countries experiencing first-hand situation of hate speech due to their population composition and where the political approach and actions toward (online) hate speech are different. So, the achievement of this objective will contribute to the creation of a EU network in order to foster the international cooperation in the field and to promote a continuous exchange of best practices.

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