European Antitrust Training & Exchange Programs in Forensic IT
The project (built upon the results achieved with the previous project in the same field (ref JLS/2008/ISEC/FPA/C1/011) was implemented under the framework partnership agreement on "Forensic use of digital information as evidence in antitrust investigations" (ref 31_5/2007/ISEC-FPA/098). With the first project an initial group of Forensic IT (FIT hereinafter) experts were trained on the use of common tools and good practices for FIT investigations, mainly used in cartel and abuse of market power investigations. More than 40 people belonging to 24 European agencies and representing 22 different countries benefited of the co-funded project. EATEP_FIT adopted a three-tier approach towards the strengthening of the newly established European network of FIT experts and the promotion of more effective methods of cross-border cooperation in the fight against economic crime. Two out of the three planned initiatives were addressed to the same group of FIT experts (approximately 50 people): (1) advanced training seminars, focuses on topics identified by surveying the FIT experts participating in the first project (draft synopsis attached); (2) are exchange visitor program, where different kinds of exchanges were proposed depending on the length and on the professional level of participants (e.g., shadowing counterpart in his/her daily practice, taking part in authority's real case investigations if allowed under national competition laws, participating in seminar events held at national level, etc.). While the first initiative aims at increasing the technological know-how and professionalism of FIT experts, the second represents the more operational component of the whole project, by promoting cross-border cooperation among law enforcers, including, where legally allowed, the establishment of Joint Investigation Teams, mostly effective when transnational issues of the alleged infringements are deemed relevant (e.g., international cartels). Project's output: 40 hours of face-to-face training (delivered 114 participants, 5 assessment meetings (10 participants each). Deliverables: training curricula, reports on individual exchanges, assessment reports by surveying the participants in training and exchange activities.
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